Thursday, May 22, 2008


my posts are really going to slow down now that the kids are out of school. it's been a great first day. we went to mass and then to the greenway. the kids took their bikes and i took mary jane in her stroller. we had a blast! now george and mary jane are snoozing while the other kids are playing across the street.
the business of being born just arrived a few days ago and i previewed it yesterday. chris didn't want to see any nastiness (women pushing babies out). he told me a couple of months ago he'd watch it if i stopped talking about homebirth. so i stopped. now the movie's here and he says he doesn't remember saying that! that's so unlike him. i'll have to remind him that the other night while we were catching up on "lost" episodes on the computer, he said he'd start going to church again when i have the baby. he'll probably forget that too.
so anyhow, i love the movie, it's so great. it makes me more reluctant to get off to the hospital and hand my body over(yet again). i pray for the discernment and the patience to deal with this situation.
i am 22 weeks now.

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