Friday, May 30, 2008

returned from away

i just returned from a trip to my inlaws. i got out for a walk a few times with mary jane. george came too. he rode his bigwheel. we made it around on one of our walks and met a family with a cockatiel in the yard, getting some fresh air. the dad let the kids handfeed the bird. what a tame bird it was!
we headed back some time yesterday afternoon. we left the house sunday after church in such a mess that cleaning took most of the day today. the kids are really cleaning better. they are learning what to look for and where to put stuff. they can pretty much do it without any guidance. i still have to supervise bc they get offtask really easily still.
this morning was a little bit of a letdown. i filled the tank, spending almost 100$!!! and then headed 30 minutes south only to find out that today was not my day for the midwife's appointment. upsetting. so, we return next week.
it wasn't entirely upsetting, bc we got to go to harry's and fill up on kombucha and other good treats.
baby is waking.

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