Thursday, August 17, 2017

summer in western Washington

it's just breath takingly beautiful. so beautiful I haven't blogged for awhile. we had a fabulous and fast swim season. we are wrapping up water polo season this week. and everyone is happy, healthy, and content. I truly feel like this summer really cemented us here. we are Pacific Northwesterners now. I even feel a little bit of longing for the rain. we had 53 days of no rain this summer and the sun is wearing me out. I long for boots, knits, leggings, hats, rain jackets, gloves. I'm trying to strengthen my foot so I can go for hikes this winter because that is what I love the most about winter here. the woods. all the green to be found there. the dripping ferns and the sheltering evergreens. and coming home to a warm bath and a cozy bed. socks. and hot tea. getting up early on school mornings. pilates and devotions before the sun comes up. it doesn't actually "come up". the sky just gets lighter. and stays a kind of glowing white all day. never letting you know just where you are in the course of the day. well, occasionally there is a window if you are lucky. I will miss biking. and leaving the pool in a comfortable cool feel. in the winter I leave the pool shivering. I'll miss swim team and water polo. but the girls are trying CYO soccer this fall- so excited for that. I will miss seeing my swim mom friends. Henry begins senior year this year. he's looking at some schools in cali. we'll see. sam is also looking at a school in cali. it'll be interesting to see what they decide.

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