Wednesday, January 22, 2014

march for life

the Washington state march for life was yesterday in Olympia- about a 90 minute drive for us.
It was so different for so many reasons.
1) Olympia is such a small city. I worried about parking bc everyone said it was such an ordeal. But we parked on the street about 1/2 mile away.
2) the actual march was SHORT! The picture of all the kids with the Capitol building in the background was taken at the beginning of the march- by the winged victory memorial. Then end of the march was the Capitol steps. I had to explain to the kids that the purpose of the march was the important part- not the distance.
3) we didn't know anybody. Not one singular soul. Whereas the Atlanta march for life is like a friends and family reunion!
4) after the march they have speakers, and after the speakers, the people go into the Capitol building and speak to their representative. Everybody there does this. They literally FLOOD the building. One man next to me had 6 kids. He told me he does it every year. I thought that was really cool.
5) do you think The Georgia Capitol would fly a falcons flag if they were in the Super Bowl? Washington loves their Seahawks. It's crazy how much.
6) the weather wasn't different at all from the better Atlanta march weather. The lady who introduced all the speakers told the newbies not to get used to it.

We are at a pizzeria before driving home. The kids had a lot of fun- reminding me of the times my siblings and I spent joking around on road trips growing up. On the way back to the car we were stopped by a woman whose daughter had played violin for the crowd. She gave us popcorn balls dyed blue for the Seahawks of course. And she told me the coolest thing. Around the corner from the state Capitol there is this place called the Daniel house. And 24 hours a day people in that house are praying for the state of Washington- for our representatives. She said that Washingtonians are repenting- they are rising up- because abortion was legal statewide here before it was legal in any other state.
And they are on fire. It was really amazing to see.

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