Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cont from previous post

Back in the ER-

She just seemed out of it. I asked if they had given her anything. They said no. Her clothes were on the counter. She told them in the ambulance that she needed to pee and they weren't prepared for that so they told her to pee in the bed. When I saw her in the ER they had already put a gown on her. She said her eyes hurt. She said her head hurt. They took her blood from a hep lock that was already in place by the time I saw her. They asked for a urine sample and as we waited for a wheel chair she began to get really really sleepy. I decided to just carry her to the bathroom. She had trouble keeping her balance sitting on the potty. Her left side was getting stronger but still really really weak. We got back to the room and she fell asleep immediately.
Alice needed a fresh diaper and in digging through the bag I found a bottle that uncle father Joseph had filled with holy water from Alice's baptismal font. I carefully opened bottle and blessed Frankie with the blessed water. They scheduled her for a ct scan and at about 3 pm they wheeled her back. She transferred to the ct scan bed and I stepped out while they ran the test. I took those moments as a chance to cry and be emotional. It was a quick test and we were back in our ER room. She was perky after the ct scan. "I'm not tired anymore!"
And her facial sag wasn't so bad- her smile was symmetrical- and so so beautiful.
They came and told us the ct scan was clean and that they wanted to admit her for overnight observation and further testing the next day.
Chris stayed the night- I went home with Alice. The drive home afforded me time to finish my rosary. We have a prayer we say between mysteries- our jedidiah prayer.
And between the first and second mystery I stopped and really spent some time thanking jedidiah for taking care of his sister. It could have been worse in so many different ways. She could have been alone, asleep, swimming, climbing a tree.
Or it could have happened while Chris was still in Seattle and I'd have to wait much longer than four hours for him to get there.
I was so thankful my in laws drove into town soon after I called to tell them about Frankie. They stayed with the kids while I spent the next day with Frankie on the neuro floor. I made it to the hospital while Frankie was in the MRI. Chris was waiting in a room in a section for MRI patients coming out of sedation. We ate the chick fil a I brought and she was wheeled in soon after we finished. She was sound asleep and it took her about 30 minutes to wake up.
When we got back to the room she ate her breakfast biscuit and drank some juice.


Sent from my rotary phone

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