Friday, November 8, 2013

friday five and random thoughts

Max and I playing battleship at our coffee house

John giving kisses to "batman"(his nickname for the baby)

John playing in an amazon box that delivered a birthday present from daddy to MJ
A pic Frankie took while facetiming with Chris.

Fkp - picture taken by Sarah hodges during our jediwalk this past week.

It's so hard to get a tent back into its bag when you are done with it.  I've gotten it down to a science thoughtl.
And it makes me think of other things that are near impossible if not impossible to put back inside their package.
Right now I'm thinking baby.  A baby is scrunched up all inside me.
And when it comes out the mere thought that all that baby once fit inside my body is just dumbfounding.

Yesterday the little girls were sitting in the car taking turns telling a story.
This is a little transcription-
MJ-"once upon a time there was a little girl who lived in....."
Frankie- "original sin!"
MJ- "no!"
Frankie- "alright, New York City!"

I'm 38 weeks today- and 8 more days until Chris arrives!
And I'm ramping up in anxiety.  I wish he was here already.  

I won a turkey at our church's all saints' day party last Sunday.  It was a game of darts- best shot takes the bird.  I shot a bullseye and then proceeded to a final round where I out shot my opponent. Not really sure I want to be cooking a turkey this thanksgiving.  But I'm planning on cooking it the weekend Chris returns.

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