Monday, November 11, 2013


Two nights ago I woke to a long and painful and cervixy contraction. Not like Braxton hicks at all which are usually all near my diaphragm and lungs. I went back to sleep and that was that. I spoke to Chris a few days ago and asked him- hypothetically- what if I were to go into labor while he was still in Seattle. He said that the best case scenario would be if I called him and he was already in the car with his bag packed and heading to the airport. In which case he'd get here in about 10 hours. So the morning after the solo contraction- while I was cooking breakfast I started hatching plans on how to stall labor should it arise before this Saturday morning. I decided I would invite all the strongest personalities I know to my house for a party. That would cause my labor to fizzle in a heart beat. And then I'd have to concoct some hair brained scheme to keep them here until Chris gets here. Crazy? Well- that is where I am now. it would be an effective and fun way to stall. I hate that every contraction I feel I kind of over analyze because I'm wanting to give Chris an extreme heads up- because an extreme heads up is what he will need. Just get here already. I started a scratch off board for the kids and I. Counting down the days, or "sleepings" as MJ calls the nights, is too much. Now we count down the meals.

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