Monday, September 23, 2013

floor demo and mr fix-it (reno post #2)

we packed up the books last week so we could take down the bookshelves. we gave away i think over 1/3 of them. kept half of them. and threw away the rest: they weren't any good.
we found a crack running from the back door, under the table, and to the kitchen. a quick search for patching a cement crack led me to believe that the solution that we shove into the crack won't accept stain so i think we are now considering painting the concrete.
henry, max, and i took crowbars to the parquet front entry way while grandpa attached the water hose to the fridge, fixed some corroded and leaky pipes under the sink, fixed a shorting outlet in the kids room, and changed a light bulb in the master. once we worked on the parquet as far as we could we turned to the kitchen. i love how you can see the hideous lasagna layers of linoleum. first the 60s-70s hippie green stuff- then covered by the 80s-90s country charm stuff.


Enid said...

Gasp! I think that lovely (rofl) green stuff is the exact same linoleum that was in the house I grew up in...installed circa 1972. Mediterranean vs. country charm - lol!! - gotta love it!!

elizabeth said...

Wow Enid!
It's so busy! Even when it's "clean" I'd think it still needed cleaning.

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