Wednesday, September 4, 2013

14 years

chris was back home over the weekend. he came to celebrate my 35th birthday and our 14th anniversary. we dropped him off at the airport last night.
it was so great having him home again. just being able to hang out with him and talk about nothing and everything was nice- we aren't phone talkers.
we talked about the move. about the kids. about his job. about the pregnancy. about syria. about if we should order the carrot cheese cake or the coconut brownie cheese cake.
all very important things to talk about.

here is a picture of us leaving the reception after our wedding.
and yikes.
~~~~~a few things~~~~~~
***i will NEVER look that skinny 1 month post partum ever again.
***i will never wear shoes like that again.
***chris could never pick up henry with one arm now. (henry is almost taller than chris now! he will be wearing chris's size 12 copas when homeschool soccer starts tomorrow!)

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