Tuesday, August 6, 2013

homeschool schedule for the large family

what kind of school adds students every few years and hasn't graduated a single one? 
ours.  and let me tell you- when the days get hairy- the mom needs a schedule. 
i abhor schedules.  schedules never seem to make room for life.  and when i have a schedule in front of me i tend to get upset when life (aka the divine will of GOD) knocks on the door.
i desperately try to make life fit into the schedule blocks and frustrated, i am breaking a sweat  and yelling "why....grunt....won't....grunt....you....grunt...fit??!?!?!?!"

so, it's both a lesson in patience and a lesson in organization.  ugh.  they should teach this in home ec.  i think i probably would've signed up instead of running the other direction.

this is what we've come up with so far that has helped this big homeschooling family schedule the day.  i made this chart up on MSpaint.    

the kids can color each block as they finish with it.  all the subjects that the kids need ME to work on with them are in bold.  it's still kind of stressful because math doesn't always take less than an hour for the older kids.  so i have to leave time for ...you guessed it... LIFE! 
this is why we start our day with religion!!!
we did this a bit last year.  and the younger kids have already forgotten how it works because for the last few days they have just wandered over to their cubby and gotten out whatever work they felt like doing and brought it to the table.  so for the last two days i'll be sitting at the table and Frankie will want to work on reading, George will need help with math, john will be wanting me to read to him, and mary jane will want me to read religion to her  (oh- i have to add religion to mary jane's schedule- she will get her first communion lesson book from amazon any day now). 

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