Monday, July 8, 2013

one week down, 20-ish weeks to go

chris left for seattle the last day of june.  he landed a great job with a software company out there.  he found a temporary place to live until we come out an catch up with him, which won't be until after the baby is born, around 20 weeks from now.
being a single parent is not the hardest part.  chris has done such a good job disciplining and forming the kids that we've floated along through july with little problem.  they help out willingly and haven't become complete hooligans over night.
the hardest part, hands down, for me is missing a best friend.  the evenings after bedtime are lonely.  so are the weekends.  the time of day when i'm cooking dinner and i typically heard the door open with him home from work was really hard the first week.  and the time difference between the coasts isn't making it any easier.  we can chat and text but when he is free to chat in the evening, i'm exhausted and ready for bed.  and when i'm up in the morning and want to connect with him, he is still asleep.
the good news is we are planning a few visits between now and baby.
20-ish more weeks to go!

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