Saturday, June 8, 2013

ultrasound 9.1

after the little girls had their rookie swim lesson i headed to my ultrasound appointment with sarah.  she is three weeks ahead of me gestationally.   we met my friend susan at the clinic.  i wore a new maternity top i made.  i have two other fabrics i bought for future tops and, since i never know how much fabric to buy for a new piece, i overbought.  i am planning on making a pram quilt with the plentiful scraps.
the ultrasound went well.  the very first thing i noticed was the presence of only one baby.  i was thinking it could be twins because i was measuring large.  it is now decided that i just have a roomy womb.  the baby is right on for size and dates, maybe about a week ahead.  there was just an ultrasound tech, no doctor to read the images.  she told me she couldn't legally say much, but that she didn't see anything big that could be wrong.  i noticed the baby's hands were open, which to me was a good sign.  i remember during john's first ultrasound he was "waving" and that ultrasound tech had no problem telling me about how fisted hands often indicated a chromosomal problem.  i remember how jedidiah's hands were always fisted. 
the tech zoomed in on the baby's face and snapped a pic.  later in the ultrasound she zoomed in to show us how he was chewing or flexing his jaw (totally has the "peek chin").  i use the masculine pronouns but we didn't find out gender- during a brief flash on the screen I thought I saw boy parts but couldn't be sure.  chris still maintains that it is a girl, due to my crying at silly things (the muppets movie) and my out of character propensity to search out confrontations.  we have tentative names ready in either case. 
and since i began this post yesterday and am finishing it today, saturday, i will add that the little girls did great in their rookie races this morning.  they both did one lap of freestyle and one lap of backstroke.  the junior coach in frankie's lane helped her out but mary jane is almost ready to graduate to the big team.  i may keep her on rookies though, because she gets such good attention-the ratio of swimmers to coaches is smaller. 

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