Tuesday, June 4, 2013

i think i just felt kicks!

things are starting to feel better.  the early part of this pregnancy was hard.  filled with lots of mental anguish, doubt, and fear.  it was a constant battle.  it didn't help my mental state that i was super nauseated at times and just wanted to sit as still as possible after 9 pm.  the clouds are lifting and the doubt isn't there so much, the fear and anguish aren't either. 
i'm nervous about my ultrasound friday( i had to cancel our last ultrasound and postpone it for reasons i will share later).  but i no longer feel the darkness i felt earlier.  it's a different kind of nervous- not one filled with dispair. 
and then today i felt the first flutters.  and boy, doesn't that make a mom feel good? 

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