Wednesday, January 30, 2013

peace amidst tornado warnings

that milanese lady who brought a case against me on etsy- because she never got her poncho- she went to the post office and there the package was waiting for her.  phew- right?  and so she released me from her case against me.  i was trying to imagine a life without etsy and i do admit my chest was getting a bit tight. 
i know i don't make much profit- but i make enough to justify my side trips to the craft store.  i made a skirt for myself this morning- i just need to level the hemline:)

  but now i'm taking a break from making a coozy type bag for chris's growler out of some old wetsuit shorts.  the lycra binding is giving me fits.
but we just had tea time- mango peach white tea and shortbread.  all while listening to penguin cafe orchestra and rain falling softly(no tornadoes) on corrugated plastic outside.  the literates are now quiet on the messy couch(see picture above- oh- and george just refered to the picture as proof of me having a baby- no, i'm not pregnant. lol.).  henry on his i-phone/touch/whatever updating it to the newest version with bells and whistles.  samantha is writing a list of things to do on a road trip(we are driving to vegas to visit the in laws in march), and max is reading a book. 
george, who has a touch of dyslexia is drawing, mj and frankie are building a blanket fort for john who is waiting patiently by trying to dismantle the printer that is out of ink and has been out of ink for about a year now. 
peace and everything else that goes with it,

1 comment:

Lisa said...

WOW you tummy is flat! You look awesome after all those blessings

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