Friday, November 23, 2012

going to the country

we drove over to hamilton,  alabama- where papa hamilton is from.  we saw the olds farm house and several of the old buildings, the corn crib, the wash house, the out house, the barn and the smokehouse.  we hiked down to the creek and all around the bottom (lower 40).  we spotted deer stands and checked on the acres and acres of pine trees papa hamilton planted 10 years ago so he could sell the timber once it is full grown. 
this land had been here all along- all while I have known chris.  indeed, papa hamilton moved to the farm house when he was three.  but what prompted this visit was a tv show.  when we arrived in alabama on tuesday at leslie and hans's house there was a show on their ridiculous huge tv.  it was a pbs documentary called "eating alabama".  we were glued to it until the final credits.  it was all about local eating.  this young couple decides to eat only food grown in alabama for a year.  chris kept saying "i know that guy".  sure enough the final credits rolled and chris knew him. 
but here I found myself getting all inspired.  we have just the right sized family for working the land.  forget that I have ZERO knowledge of agriculture.  forget that I am a city girl.  I think we could do it.  so chris loaded us up and took us "to the country".
we also stopped by the family cemetery.  I took a picture of the grave of the woman who connects chris's family tree with elvis presley's family tree.  morning dove palmer- the same indian that is in elvis is in chris. 

sorry all the pics are fuzzy.  my phone can focus like a champ until it has to make the fake shutter sound, then it gets overwhelmed with all the chores  on its plate and fuzz takes over. 

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