Thursday, November 29, 2012

fr. peyton, the rosary priest- a family rosary tradition

growing up we'd all gather for the family rosary- at about 9-ish every night in the front room.  on the old red carpet- the only carpet i ever remember being in the front room(indeed, it's actually still there), we'd kneel propped up by chairs, piano benches, and ottomans.  our great big floor to ceiling spanish carmelite crucifix adorning one wall, the room was cozy with all 53 of us gathered  (no, in all seriousness there was anywhere from at least 4 of us to over 12).  fkp, then just plain old kevin, would be wagging his heels as he knelt straight up and resolute.  dad would be leaning over the piano bench and swinging his irish stone rosary in mini-circles, almost hypnotizing me.  mom would be closing her eyes and looking worried- it perplexed me because rosary time was so peaceful- unless there was a show i'd rather be watching.  the candle light would be making the shadows dance on the walls, until it was time to read the meditations.  a small black worn book was passed around and before each mystery it was opened and read.  it was only roughly 200 pages?  but i think i have every one of those readings memorized.  father peyton- the family that prays together stays together.
our family had problems- still has them.  and no matter how much i tell people that they struggle to believe me.  they say - "wait, you have a sister that's a carmelite nun, and two brothers that are priests- you have a perfect family."  but my brother-in-law once said(and he KNOWS intimately how dysfunctional we can be- he was on the infamous trip to denver to see the pope- and don't laugh, just because we were going to see the pope doesn't mean we were all chanting latin and floating on a cloud of ecstasy the whole time) "your family would be on jerry springer if it weren't for the daily rosary and daily mass"- and it's the gospel truth folks!  so you better believe we say the daily rosary and we *try* to get to daily mass.
and for our daily rosary meditations i have a father peyton rosary book- you better believe it.  and i read it by the light of a closet light.  we have those kitsch saint candles you can buy for $.99 at krogers.  and the kids probably barely listen, much like i did when i was little.  but i know better.  i know that the words and the motions are being etched deep into their heart.  that this is a comfort thing.  that they, when they are older and want to curl up with God, will reach for their rosary, light a candle, and hang out with the God they met in a dark candle lit room surrounded by the comfort of their family and the words of father peyton.

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