Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pcb days 3 and 4

it was super windy and the sand assaulted us when we tried the beach after breakfast.  i have heard of micro-derm abrasion but am not sure what it is.  this is what i imagine it may feel like.
we kept to the pools, mostly the hot tub and splash pool all day.  we met some families visiting from north georgia and got to know them a bit.  we talked of the weather, of isaac, with others.  it was the common thread amongst strangers for the week.
tuesday- the waves were huge this morning.  the beach has shrunk as the water has risen quite a bit.  the sky is blue with some clouds.  the sand is not as hurtful since it is constantly heavy with moisture from the constant waves.  we went shell hunting since the sea was bound to bring us all kinds of bounty. henry found a bunch including two crabs who will live in the sinks over night - watch out when washing your hands!  the sky grew overcast as the day went on so we terested back to the pools.  george busted his chin at the splash pool right before dinner. one of our new friends was a nurse and so she helped us bandage him up.  we, in turn,are watching their kids while they go out on a date.  they are really neat peoples. 

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