Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pcb day 7

the wind has let up.  there was a thirty minute window where visibilty was low.  we could barely see the beach below us.  but the sun came out nicely and so we aimed ourselves towards the waves.  we took the boogie boards because the waves were still "west coast".  it was a good time.  we saturated ourselves in beach style fun, anticipating our departure the next day.
the conditions were big, sloppy, almost closed out sets with nice breakers coming in the waves just in front of the set. 
we dragged our tired bodies out and began sand building when the pcb life guard pulled up and went out for a rescue.  a man apparently had been out to rescue some girls getting sucked out by a rip.  he succeeded but lost himself to the rip in the process.  he sat waiting for the rescue just beyond the first set of breakers.  the lifeguard got to him, swam west with him, and they both almost got sucked out in another rip. 
we weren't allowed in the eatery for the rest of the day so we divided the day up with sand play, the hot tub, and the splash pool.

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