Friday, August 24, 2012

five for friday

not really sure what order these pictures will appear since i am doing this from my phone.  but some of these beg the need captions.
mary jane on our way home from "wednesday date with mommy" at an indie coffee place.  we made wool braided bracelets and drank iced tea.
john is sitting in a laundry scale.  it reads 25 lbs.
pic of a baby in the grass is henry at a year.  i really think john favors him.
samantha wanted a streak of red so we used rainbow henna.  it says it will stay in for 6 washes.  i wonder how long it will actually stay in since we dio no 'poo.
and i love the pic of frankie buttoning her shirt.  this is the essence of a three 3 year old.  that and flip flopping. 
heard from three year old nation wide..."i want the red one.  NO, I WANT THE BLUE ONE!!! yes, that's right, red.  mommy, why is this red? i told you blue!!!"
and... "STOP!!!!  i can do it all by myself!!!!"

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