Tuesday, April 17, 2012

superstitious spats

our internet has been decidedly moody lately. just when you think you've figured out the delicate dance it does from connected to lost it decides to adopt another plie or fosse move.*
i sat down to the computer last week announcing that i was going to look on etsy for inspiration to make spats for george's first communion.
"what are spats?" samantha asked.
and much to our surprise and dismay- low and behold- will wonders never cease- the internet isn't blessing our computer with connectedness.
so i proceed to draw some spats on microsoft paint. once the spats were complete in all their pixel glory we noticed the interenet flashing green.
then my microsoft paint spats sat pale in comparison to all the variety etsy had to offer. fur spats, leather spats, hand spats, lace up spats, button down spats.
shortly thereafter our internet funked out again.
i joked "better draw another set of spats."
so samantha took over and drew some spats. after spat success she proceeded to check her email.
last night i sat down in the computer chair to find the internet looking at me from a dull gray indicator signal.
"draw some spats", samantha offered.
so i went to paint and prepared to polish up my old spats picture. searching amidst the old paint documents i began to laugh aloud. samantha had taken spat drawing for internet connectedness seriously.
here's my original white spats paint.

and here is her further attempts

*the internet fluxed from connected to unconnected and back again precisely 4 times during the making of this post.

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