Wednesday, January 25, 2012

thoughts on EC- the early days

john was 2 months on sunday.
- he fusses more before he pees than before #2.
- i had an EC dream last night- where i was helping him in a public
restroom and whatever came out of him made THE most horribly
disgusting sounds- and more than being embarassed over making the cue
sound in a public restroom i was embarassed that my neighbor in the
stall next door thought it may have been coming from me- and then i
was praising him- and what did neighbor lady think of that? i hope
she notices that my shoes are facing the wrong way! but that thought
somehow wasn't comforting either.
-EC needs to be more widely known so i can avoid the embarassment of
the previous mentioned dream becoming reality.
- he wears kaidangku most days around home and they are just too cute
that i wish i could share a picture with most of you! but alas- this
blog is pretty public.
- i don't miss too many of his cues but when i do it's always #1.
- when his personal space gets too small(aka- the doting big sisters
are smothering him) i offhandedly bring up the previous point and his
space is magically enlarged.
- someone once mentioned that potty training a baby is mostly potty
training the adult. and? parenting involves responding to ALOT of a
baby's cues(hunger, need to burp, tired, sick, etc). in fact, we are
pretty well trained well into the baby's first day of life! so why
stop at elimination?
- his cue sound is getting stronger. today he cued to pee and i held
him but forgot to make the cue sound. he fussed a bit- until i
remembered and RIGHT when i began makingthe cue sound he quieted and
focused on his task.
- he gives absolutely NO cues before peeing if he is sleeping and i am
wearing him on a long and brisk walk. that is if you don't count
snoring. the feeling reminded me of what you do when you are out
surfing for a long while and it's cold and you are wearing your
wetsuit and you drank about 46 oz of water before leaving home for the
beach. yep- a warm feeling.
- i am getting the hang of ECing a boy. you have to have aim.
- and we are not hardcore ECists. i still do diapers for bedtime and
for going out for long periods(more than an hour). but if he insists,
i am willing to be flexible on those points.
- he is such a good baby. if he fusses i know that he either is
hungry or needs to go potty.
- his cue for hunger and his cue for potty are still seemingly very
similar. BUT if i try to nurse him and he needs to go potty instead he
half-heartedly tries to latch. however- if he is hungry he will latch
like a champ.

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