Friday, January 13, 2012

friday five 1/13

1)john's umbillical hernia post rsv- it has actually grown a bit more
since this pic- he had a rather large fit of crying after geting out
of the bath too soon and it almost doubled in size.
2)george giving john a kiss- this happens VERY often- plus the
request- "can i HOLD him!!!"
3)texting with father kevin about the jeopardy category "catholic
priests". can you answer the questions?
4)mary jane self-imposed a course of copywork. she does this for most
of any day she can find a pen and paper.
5)jedidiah's new mii- samantha's brainchild and max's design. looks
like him- no?


Julie said...

In regards to #5... what is an mii?

Tom and I will play the "catholic priests" jeopardy challenge. :-) I'll time it to see who is finished first. :-)

Nikki said...

John is really chunking up :-) Look at that hand! Thanks for posting the pics, made me smile.

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