Friday, December 30, 2011


the kids picked up on this saying and started making fun and saying it
in a valley girl way. i kind of let them have a little bit of fun
before i asked them what it meant.
they didn't know.
i told them what it meant and reminded them of the second commandment.
they argued that "well, we aren't saying His name! just a letter."
but i argued "but it makes people think His name in vain even if you
aren't thinking it. let's try to only use His name in a reverent and
holy way- like in prayer, when we talk with Him. or when we talk
about Him with others."
and here is where our little first reconciliation trainee chimed in.
"so in confession i can say 'O.M.G., i am heartily sorry for having
offended you...'?"

(bite tongue,walk away, laugh out loud later)

except i wasn't so good about biting my tongue. we all had a good
laugh- because if you can't laugh about your religion- then you don't
have a sense of humor.


Julia said...

oh, i love it!!

Julie said...

I'm going to try that next time I recite the Act of Contrition and see if the priest catches on! That's HYSTERICAL!!!

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