Friday, December 9, 2011

dr erik bauer pediatric ENT

i was really nervous about our visit with bauer today. i was worried that bauer would clip john and john would take a few steps back nursing-wise and then improve to be about the same as he was before. something inside told me that his poor latch wasn't entirely dependent on his tongue or lip.
so when the nurse asked me what i was there for today i told her "i want a professional to look at his mouth and tell me what's going on."
so he came in. he looked first at his gums- judging about how far back his jaw recessed. he measured the lower gums to be about 8mm behind the upper gums. then he looked at the roof of his mouth. he said it was really arched high. he then looked at his tongue and said the mobility looked good. but the combination of the short tongue, the high arch, and the recessed jaw leaves him having a shallow suck. instead of my nipple being back on the soft pallate it is striking the hard pallate.
my pain level is alot better than before baktha cut- it's just still a little painful- just not "sweating bullets" painful like it was before.
i'm going to stick with it. i'm hoping that the exercise his jaws get from nursing will build him up a bit and bring his lower jaw forward.
i told bauer i was nervous about the appt- i told him i was relieved that he didn't just go straight for the knife. "you know 'to a man with a knife every solution is a cut'?"
he laughed and said "no- i'm going to tell you what i see- exactly like it is."
so i'm such a fan now. he is everything everybody says he is.

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