Sunday, November 13, 2011

a true weekend for false labor

or "pre-labor" as the people in the "earthy-birthy" crowd call it. false labor is "just too negative sounding".
my braxton-hicks contractions started feeling different and more "cervixy" about thursday. on friday they were coming more often but not regular and i felt crampy in my lower back. i couldn't sleep much friday night- i'll blame it on a combination of nerves and weird contractions.
saturday i wanted to see what would happen if i tinkered with them. we ate a good breakfast and headed to the gym. i lasted about 25 minutes in a salsa class. when i couldn't take it anymore i sat on an exercise ball at the back of the studio and kept "dancing" along. not surprisingly i had LOTS of contractions.
i moved onto the pool and then to the hottub and again, not surprisingly, the contractions completely slowed down.
we returned home to leftover potato-leek soup and grilled provolone sandwiches for lunch. while warming up the soup and eating the contractions returned. i still needed to take the boys to church to serve a 50th wedding anniversary mass so i focused on that. being away from home made the contractions disappear. i was so tired during mass that i had hoped the contractions would stay away enough for me to take a nap. they cooperated and i got in a good nap.
after dinner i took chris out for some drinks at the local watering hole. i figured it would be nice to get in some adult time that likely would not happen for at least half a year. the contractions picked up again and were causing some nerve tingling down the inside of my right thigh. it made me wonder just how big this one's head was! once we were home but i prayed that they would stop and let me go to bed.
as i lay in my cold bed i cuddled my tummy for warmth. i thought about how someday soon i'd be cuddling a wiggling warm little baby. would that everyone could fall asleep to such beautiful thoughts!
today i'll take it as a normal day. sunday- a day of rest and family. soak them in. take a LOOOOOOONG 10 minute shower- ha! and praise God who's timing is always perfect.

1 comment:

Zombiemommy said...

Oh I love being pregnant... The warm belly, I forgot about that part....

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