Monday, November 14, 2011

more prodromal labor- aka "false labor"

it seems to like to strike between 3 and 5 am, lingering just long enough to turn me into the walking dead for most of the next day, or at least until i sneak in a little nap.
i thought last night that it would be better for me to think and pray on other people's problems during this nightly routine. so, if you'd like someone to pray for you and your intentions(no matter how small or big) between the hours of 3 and 5 am- let me know.


Zombiemommy said...

Um yeah, you could pray for my family. Especially my husband.

Keep us updated, I have been skulking waiting for ya let us put on the popcorn.

Julie said...

I will be a willing recipient of your prayers, Liz. :-)

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