Tuesday, November 22, 2011

introducing john cornelius

after what seemed like weeks of prodromal labor...
he decided a quick entry would be appropriate.
here is the short and sweet-
departed home @ a little before 5 pm(AKA "rush hour")
arrived at hospital @6:15
made it into an l&d room @6:33
john cornelius entered the world screaming at 6:45
below you will see me texting with his dad earlier today. yes- his
contact name is "ice ice baby"- but that's purely for an "in case of
emergency" situation. his contact name used to be "better than
chocolate" and he lived up to that name and some today.


Sarah Mosley said...

he's beautiful.

Zombiemommy said...

weeehhh, contractions in the car=cussing in my book:)

I pray it all went well. Congratulations!!! Another boy.

Elaine said...

Love the pictures! Congratulations again!

Emily said...

Congratulations, He's beautiful!

Julie said...

God bless you, John Cornelius. Welcome to the world, sweet angel.

Nikki said...

Oh Elizabeth, he just beautiful! Congratulations!

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