Wednesday, November 16, 2011

air strikes and the new roman missal

sometime in september i attended a parents meeting at church as part
of a requirement for george to receive his first communion next
spring. they gave us a sheet with space to enter our kids thoughts
and comments about mass for the next few months. so every weekend i
would ask him what he thought of mass.
one weekend he said that he imagined Jesus at the "big table" instead
of father jack. another sunday we had mass outside at the campground
with our homeschool community. he said "it was cold". so his
comments were perceptive but also deep.
his comment about this last sunday's mass was just funny.
father augustine tran talked on the new translation of the roman
missal. if you hasn't heard his educational points on this look them
up- he's really good. i think you can find them if you click on "fr
jack speaks" link on my blog roll.
anyhow- i noticed george was listening so i figured he'd have
something to say afterwards. of course he did get distracted a few
times during the liturgy of the Eucharist but he's seven. we sat by
the big window so there was lots outside for him to see. at one point
he got really excited and pointed me outside and up. he whispered
heavily "army plane!!!!"
then after mass i asked him "so, what did you think?"
"well, i thought it was really neat that fr tran was talking about the
roman missal an an army plane flew by. they both know alot about
or was it missiles???
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