Monday, October 10, 2011

quiet blog lately

because i have been feverishly knitting and crafting.
i applied and was accepted for a vendor's booth at the knights of columbus "celebrate america" veterans festival next month. i will be selling kids knit hats in varioius designs from college football and nfl helmets to christmas and just plain cute. and the kids are helping me make rice and lavender heating pads to sell. i'm planning on making a sign that says- "shop handmade this christmas".
this may end up being a bad idea. i am starting to feel nesty- but i need to knit! today i am actually taking the day off from knitting to clean my bathroom and bedroom. it is MUCH needed- believe me!
and while i am cleaning i'll be washing baby blankets, diapers, and some new baby clothes i recently acquired;)
i need to find a space for dolphin's clothes. the half of my dresser that is typically used for baby clothes has a BUNCH of mementos from jedi's life. his baptism and confirmation certificate. clippings from his hair. the pregnant belly oil we used on him in utero. his blankets. some of his clothing and hats.
i was thinking i'd get a nice box for all of that and keep it in a safe place, but i'll probably wait for his birthday to do that- so we can all go through the stuff together and remember him.

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