Friday, October 14, 2011

off road biking

the city built a fabulous new park near us. i did some thinking and
found out using google earth that if we followed the creek from our
neighborhood it would lead us to the park.
i sent the kids into the woods with water and a cell phone and they
came out on the other side with success.
so i called the city and they were on board with paving a greenway.
they bobcat-ed the path but never paved it. it was hikeable but not
exactly bikeable or strollerable. about a month ago i was out for a
walk with frances in the jogger and i saw a golf cart disappear into
the woods. the next day i had the kids get their bikes and head out
to explore. frankie, mj, and i drove and we met them at the park.
they reported an easy ride.
so we've been going at least once a week on this awesome path. with
all the rain we got this week it was a bit muddy but mj enjoyed
stomping on her breaks and skidding in the muck.
the big kids pretty much take off, but mj hangs out with me, or a
little ahead of me. she's smart. the water and apples are in the
stroller's basket.
max reported biking alongside a couple of loping deer. i think this
path is such a nice gift- i look forward to wearing dolphin under a
coat and pushing frankie in the jogger- and i think it will be even
more beautiful and fun when it snows.

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