Wednesday, September 21, 2011

no poo, chlorine, and straw hair

i've been doing 'no poo' for almost two years now. and it was lovely-
until this summer. we went swimming in the gym's chlorine pool alot
this summer. last summer we swam just as much but frances was so
little i didn't get to submerge myself as much- so the damage to my
hair was minimal. summer has ended but i am still swimming for
exercise and likely will continue for the next few months until the
babe is here. but to illustrate the damage- here is me last week.
further below is me last winter.
i am researching what to do when doing 'no poo' and swimming. i have
tried recently to wet my hair thoroughly with clean water before
swimming. but the damage has been done- and that won't reverse it.
my next experiment is adding coconut oil to the clean water pre-swim
rinse. it just needs moisture.
if anyone has any tips for 'no poo' chlorine damage i am all ears.
ears and straw dry hair.


Dehvin Olschewske said...

I don't go in the pool alot but I go surfing so that drys my hair out I usually put coconut oil and conditioner in my hair it helps a lot!

elizabeth said...

yeah- my hair gets crunchy at the beach as well!
i did the coconut oil and swim cap before my swim and that was a step in the right direction. i finally did conditioner last night(first time in FOREVER- i had to track it down) and i am happy. i think i'll just have to do a weekly conditioner treatment to keep the chlorine damage at bay.

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