Thursday, September 29, 2011

hard to believe: exclusive nursing on demand

this growing bean used to be the butterball baby in the bottom
picture. people used to ask us what we fed her. exclusively she had
pure breastmilk from the tap whenever and wherever she wanted it. i
used to subscribe to the whole old school theory that parents needed
to limit and measure what their kids ate because otherwise they'd have
weight problems when they were older. exclusive on demand
breastfeeding is the best way to raise kids who are less likely to
have weight problems in adulthood.
she is going through a growth spurt now- eating more than her 12 year
old brother and sleeping for more hours of the day. but she is VERY
active and i trust her body needs it!


Elaine said...

look at that rolly belly! So sweet :)

Gina said...

You may consider following the Catholic Nursing Mothers League blog at:

Very nice websites! I'm so sorry for the loss of your little boy, Jedi!


elizabeth said...

elaine- i know! i still look back at pics of her and marvel.

gina- thanks for the links! i'll check them out- especially after this baby comes and i'll have lots of sit down nurse and websurf time.

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