Thursday, August 18, 2011

water pregnancy

today i beat my wall. so far this pregnancy i haven't been able to
swim much past 20-25 laps. but today i swam 36- half a mile! the
reason the wall has been there is i have one speed- all out. and at
that speed i can only last so long.
but today i felt like i was so comfortable in the water. i probably
could've swam more laps but i figured it was probably not good to push
myself too far.
you know how when you are driving to a place you have never been it
seems to take forever- the miles just stretch before you? but the
more comfortable you are with the road the more likely you are to
check out and start day dreaming? i felt the latter today- just in
the zone and comfortable.
at the end of my workout i thought of the ability to waterbirth. i
actually don't care where the baby comes out- land or water. but
being able to just sit in the water during labor- that's heaven. i am
thankful that the hospital that my care provider works under allows
for vbacs to even BE in the water.
here's to evidence based care, more glorious swimming days, and the

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