Saturday, August 13, 2011

thanks, skipper!

we went to the braves game last night and got there just in time to see the induction ceremony. i got going too late to pick up chris from work so chris made up for it by sprinting all of us to the gates and then to our places. i honestly felt like i was having one 20 minute long tectonic braxton hicks contraction the entire race. by the time we got to our places i felt like my left round ligament was going to detatch.

after some water i felt much better! but i was wise enough to not ask for water during the ceremony! my man has a one track mind! bobby cox.

if you watch the above segment you will see some of our family. i am to the right and behind eddie matthews baseball (at about 19 seconds)- bending over and reaching into the stroller to get my camera.

at about 46 seconds into the video samantha appears on the upper right of the screen. samantha is wearing a red bandana and is standing behind and to the left of tom glavine's #47 ball, henry is standing to the right of her in a brown golf shirt, max is standing to the right of henry but is blocked a bit by a security guard- and chris is holding frances in her red baseball dress but they are blocked a good bit too- enlarging it makes it a bit easier to spot them.

this link will take you to a better, clearer video. we enter the scene at about the 3 minute mark.

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