Monday, August 15, 2011

how sanitary are our toothbrushes?

i have doubts about our toothbrushes. i think i might keep mine in a
safe place- up with the medications in a lock box with a code and key.
when chris got home from work i was setting the table and getting the
kids to sit down. i noticed frankie was missing from the toyroom so i
told chris to check for her upstairs.
he came back downstairs and reported his findings. frankie was up in
our bathroom washing her unicorn with a toothbrush.
BUT- before this, while i was making dinner frankie and mary jane came
in from the backyard telling me how they found her beanie baby unicorn
in the babypool. it was nasty and moldy but smelled like artificial
grape. frankie was so proud of herself- she bathed the unicorn in
grape gatorade(is it in you? because it's in the unicorn) to make it
smell so nice and magical!
then- i suppose is when she headed upstairs to get it all sparkly with
the help of someone's toothbrush.
i will have to smell out the special toothbrush before the bedtime
routine starts tonight and see if i can find a quick new replacement
in a drawer somewhere. then find a hiding place for the toothbrushes
until frankie can understand the germ theory.


Maire said...

So, when I read this yesterday, I had a good laugh...

and then this morning, Charlie says to me, "Somebody got into the bathroom yesterday and was playing around. Now the toothbrushes really need to be disinfected."


Nikki said...

I got such a giggle reading this because I think toothbrushes are quite "icky". I am one who will clean all of our tooth brushes with hot water and Listerine at least once a week and I change out everyone's at least every couple months. My husband thinks I am weird :-)

Sue said...

Eeeewwwwww! I know some people can actually share toothbrushes, but I definitely have a phobia there. Don't touch my toothbrush! Especially after discussing microbes and organisms and such with you after lab...

elizabeth said...

yeah- microbiology isn't helping my imagination. ugh.
i think i may be in the "switch your toothbrushes out every 3 month" camp now.

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