Tuesday, July 12, 2011

sitting, looking around, and thinking

there is a broken robin's egg on the table. samantha found it outside a couple days after a big storm and we assumed it was dead so we cracked it to see what was inside. just yolk and runny uncooked egg white.
george may get up with fleas. he's laying next to dakota on the floor.
the birds are jabbering away upstairs. frankie should wake soon. she fell asleep on the way home from the gym.
i have my last lab tonight. it's really just review for the written final on thursday.
i was supposed to have an appointment on thursday. it included an ultrasound. but i called last week and canceled. i'm sick of the way this office makes me feel like a number. they really asked me THREE times last visit to pay up. but when i had a mini-emotional breakdown at the end they didn't bother to check up on me. just pay the bill lady and keep your tears to yourself.
anybody know a good care provider that
-tells the truth ALL the time?
-trusts women's bodies and their inherent knowledge on how to labor uninterrupted?
-doesn't believe a prior c-section is a risk?
-is in the north atlanta section of town?
-delivers at the hospital?(chris still isn't cool with homebirth-silly man)

1 comment:

Dawn said...

A close friend of mine highly recommends Dr Kevin Daus. He's in Decatur and was recommended to her by Dr. Ravielle. (Delivers at DeKalb Medical) She says his nurses LOVE him and he meets all your criteria... :) Number is 404-296-1424.

God bless you - stay positive! :)

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