Sunday, July 10, 2011


on friday at the gym they were cracking down on the under threes.
anybody under three needed to be wearing a swim diaper. despite the
fact that frankie hasn't needed a diaper in 18 months AND since she
was 3 months i could count on my one hand (*maybe* two hands?)the
amount of times she has pooped in a diaper and not on the potty-they
gave us a swimmie diaper and told us to use it. since either she swam
in it or she didn't swim at all i decided to build it up and be like
"wow! look at those! how neat!!". she was so proud of her diaper-
she thought she was the coolest kid on the pool deck. she didn't want
to put her swimsuit on because it would cover the awesomeness. and in
my head i kept pessimistically thinking "wouldn't this be
devestatingly ironic if she started being un-potty trained because of
this pool rule?"
well... despite wanting to wear the diaper the whole rest of the day,
she didn't dirty it once.
THEN- we went to augusta yesterday for my new baby niece agnes'
baptism. during the after party at rose's house she peed in her
underwear. i groaned inwardly thinking "it's coming true" and changed
her underwear to a pair of extra shorts that were in the car. i
talked myself down thinking "well, we are at a party with TONS of kids
and she doesn't remember where the potty is at aunt rose's house."
THEN she poops in the shorts in the playground fort!!! i felt so bad
for her but all the while i was thinking "what is going on???". she
was clearly uncomfortable and i told her how sorry i was. i told her
that whenever she had to go to the bathroom at a different place to
tell me and we would find the potty together- instead of her finding
it herself-which is her typical desire. she assured me that she
wasn't going to soil her pants again- that it was too yucky.
THEN- i just woke up and she has wet the bed! so now i KNOW it's not
because she doesn't know where the potty is.
barring blaming the silly pool diaper experience i wonder if this just
isn't the age of regression. mary jane entered this stage at about
this age- where she was stubborn against the potty or suggestions that
perhaps she should go, say- before a roadtrip or before bedtime.
also- during peak play hours this is the stage- or so i have noticed(i
am NOT a psychologist) that they get SO sucked in that they notice
nothing else. and oddly enough this is the age that most parents
begin introducing the potty to their kids.
when i told chris last night about her accidents he was resigned-
"well, I guess her first accident in almost two years isn't so bad."
i guess he is right.
i think for now i will say it's just a phase. and just watch her a
little more closely over the next few days

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