Friday, July 29, 2011

my anti-group beta strep (anti- c-section) protocol

i am doing some of these things already but the whole shebang will go into practice next monday. i will be 23 weeks and a few days.

to see how this protocol will help me avoid a c-section go read this post first.

to fight a group beta strep infection i believe i should have a stellar immune system.
the following steps are what i am undertaking to boost my immune system and therefore kick GBS.

- no refined sugar. not even honey or maple syrup(i already do this). limited grains and fruits(i don't really do this yet).
- fermented cod liver oil 2 ml in am, 2 ml in pm (the pm dose will be new- must take it on an empty stomach though or i'll likely toss my lunch).
- yogurt, kefir, and/or homemade saurkraut at EVERY meal.
- homemade kombucha, 6 oz in am 6 oz at lunch.
- probiotics daily starting at 30 weeks.
- raw garlic orally twice a week starting at 30 weeks- at night since it takes about 8 hours to get stench to subside. guacamole anyone?
- 1000 of vitamin c daily.
- try not to go into labor before 40 weeks. studies have linked babies that have acquired GBS infection to early birth. i'd love to know the rate of GBS infections in induced babies as compared to those who weren't induced and allowed to bake.

i may add some or subtract some as i progress but this is the core of it.
wish me luck!

at the VERY least i hope to have a baby with awesome teeth and less colic.

i felt the need to edit this post to add my theory as to why thses dietary changes will help kill off a GBS infection.
in microbiology i learned that your body has an optimal pH- it works best within a certain range. there are normal bacteria or "flora" that live in your body (called microbiota). they thrive in the optimal pH and help your body with MANY functions. for example, without certain microbiota in your large intestine the body cannot absorb potassium. that being said- when your body is out of the normal and desired pH then systems go whack, nutrients are sapped, normal microbiota are killed off and harmful opportunistic pathogens(that live in your body to a certain extent) take over. this happens when we take antibiotics or have a diet that results in an acidic body response.
i hope that with this diet- my body will achieve an optimal pH and provide such a good environment for my microbiota that opportunistic pathogens will be forced to pack up and leave.


Leah said...

I just tested positive. I tried quite a few of these techniques, but alas.
I hope there is a next time ;)

Momma said...

hey! good luck, you have done it in the past! Glad to see you are doing well, you busy gal, you!

elizabeth said...

@leah- sorry it didn't get kicked! when i first tried to kick it with george's pregnancy i was half heartedly doing it. but with frances' pregnancy i was more gung ho. and this time around i feel like i'm even stepping it up more than last time.
@ cj- thanks! i'm not too busy. now that school is out i'm finding time for more enjoyable things;)

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