Tuesday, June 21, 2011

i hate microbiology

we went to this all-you-can-eat chinese/indian/japanese buffet today for lunch. we picked chris up at his work and he drove us there. he's been telling us about this place for awhile and we wanted to treat george to some sushi for his birthday(was last week- and he was in san diego with grandma and grandpa).
so- i have a midterm in microbiology lab tonight. i have to recognize bacterial growth, know what kind of stain they will pick up, know if they grow best with oxygen or without, and know the shape of their cells.
so as i sat there and ate eel, tuna, salmon, roe, etc. i just kept thinking...
"shigella... proteus mirabilis... pseudamonas aeruginosa... bacillus subtilis... escherichia coli... clostridium botulinum... vibrio cholera... staphylococcus aureus."
no longer can i eat sushi, sashimi, and tempura with a blank mind. i have to talk myself out of thinking of all those things. today i said to myself "i don't even know what preferred portal of entry those guys access- i don't even know their mode of action- their mode of attack."(although i can't pretend NOT to know how e. coli and c. botulinum like to work best)
so i kept eating- imagining that those bacteria only like to enter the respiratory tract and don't really love to enter the gastro tract. i can't wait for this semester to be over. i will do my best to scrub my brain clean of all this microbial obsession. and then i'll go back to that place and eat with nary a contrary thought.

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