a long while ago i got into it with a uptight type A neighbor. he was yelling at the kids to get out of the woods, because "i don't want them to get hurt."
"i don't want them to get hurt" quickly changed to "the next time they are on my property, i'll call the police."
so. fast forward a few months to a year. i see a tripod set up at the redneck neighbor's across the street. the guy manning the camera is the neighbor's 40 year old son. it is aimed at our house. it gets me a bit skeezed out, but i guess not enough to do anything.
so- here's where i'm starting to be paranoid. tonight i see type a guy's fancy truck pull into redneck grandma's driveway. he talks with grandma- she brings something out to him, he leaves. i see the tripod leaning against the front of the house. i think back to last week- redneck guy walked to type a guy's house for a visit.
now- these two are the most unlikely friends. they totally don't match up, that is unless the redneck guy can provide some service to the type a guy.
so here's where i start to behave like my mom and the inspector gears start turning.
i don't think that it's a kiddie-porn situation. i doubt type a guy would open up and request someone to film our house on the off chance that someone runs out without clothes on.
i think type a guy is either in cahoots with the HOA or DFACS. i don't really care about the HOA. but the DFACS has me uncomfortable. ANY thing can be twisted, misconstrued, tweeked to look a certain way. and life in a big family is sometimes chaotic.
so am i paranoid? i hope it's for no reason. but why else would someone want to take picture or video of our house? to win $100,000 on america's funniest home videos?
if so, i'd like a cut.
1 comment:
Kari had a neighbor taking pics of her kids and she called the cops. She was wondered why he was taking pictures. She found out the guy thought she was running a day care in her home. I would call the cops, I just don't know if that opens up the can of worms to expose your family to a DFACS situation. I definitely would not want my kids to be video taped for any reason! Maybe you need your CHOLERIC sister to come and ask questions of Mr. Redneck neighbor as to why he is video taping my nieces & nephews. Let me know I would be more than happy!
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