Thursday, August 6, 2009

better than the alternative

it's hard to keep clothes on mary jane these days. the only thing that kept her dressed was her desire to go to the neighbors. she knew she couldn't cross the street unless she was covered in some fashion. she's starting to hit her older siblings dressers because bigger clothes are easier to slip into. yesterday she wore a pair of max's mesh basketball shorts and one of his yellow t-shirts, backwards and inside out. she was free to cross the street with samantha to visit the puppies. when i came across to retrieve her to go pick up the milk and eggs she came out with a six shooter. she had the gun in one hand, a fist full of shorts in the other and she was waddling. she looked exactly like those kids at the mall. the kids who, if were confronted with walking on a balance beam while holding a slurpee and a cellphone would probably be showing WAY more of their boxers than they had originally intended. the mall kids just make me wonder but her innocence just makes me smile.

1 comment:

Pom Pom said...

How cute! If only they could keep their reckless disregard for how they look, huh?

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