Wednesday, June 3, 2009

you gotta fight for the right to vbac

i was musing about this last night while looking out of the car window at the darkness. i think sometimes of the chuckles God must have from time to time. i can just imagine this conversation between him and eve.
"so, you guys really screwed it up. now i've got to kick you out of the garden and what's more, you'll have to succomb to some pretty excruciating pain when you have babies."
"alright God...if you say so."
"you know what's crazy? sometime in the near future- say 2008 years after my son comes and cleans up this mess you've made, women will be fighting for the right to succomb to these labor pains?"
"WHAT?!?! you mean they want to suffer the penalty?"
"well yeah, but i guess i should also tell you of the alternative. it seems there will be a shift in society to favor the medical model of care; one that doesn't follow evidence based care. they will stumble upon a discovery during an emergency that allows them to deliver the baby through an incision. the yahoos will then flock to this false light like fireflys to a bug zapper- i'll have to tell you about that later. they will start to believe that THE best way to deliver a baby is through this surgical incision and not through the way i've designed."
"tell me more about this bug zapper. these prehistoric mosquitos have become insane since we fell."


Momma said...


Julie said...

Enjoyed this commentary!

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