Thursday, May 21, 2009

prayer request for sean(update)

he had a pretty wicked headache today and found the spinal fluid levels to be too high. they figure that the shunt they put in way back when he had the brain tumor is clogged. so he's going into surgery sometime tomorrow to get it righted. when he had the brain tumor kevin had a zuchetto worn by john paul II for him to wear on his head for added blessing. now we've got three! jp2, b16, and p12. i'm pretty sure they are in his bedroom. kevin left them at mom's when he left for iraq. even though there's enough blessing in those for any sick man, prayers are greatly appreciated.

UPDATE- they replaced the shunt line in his stomach bc that's where the problem was. i'm thankful for that bc the less probing around the brain the better in my opinion. last i heard he was out of surgery but not yet in his room.


Emily Snow said...

We will keep Sean in our prayers.

elizabeth said...

thanks emily! everything looks good so far. hopefully he'll not be in the hospital much longer.

Momma said...

I am glad that the surgery went well, praying here too. love ya

Sue said...

I will definitely keep Sean in my prayers! (and you too)

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