Wednesday, May 13, 2009

a month and a half - musings

so, we've been homeschooling for a little less than a month and a half. i want to share some of the changes i've been witnessing front row.
1) imagination and creativity growth- they started out sleeping in every day. then after about a week early mornings found them building legos furiously. this week's mornings find them hunting the woods for saplings to make bows out of. possibly because we are reading redwall by brian jaques.
2) sibling tightness- the older school aged siblings are now so much closer to the younger kids. the compassion shown is more frequent. there is more patience for franky when she's having a crying bout because of teething.
3) manners and respect- i've been trying to get the kids to stop interrupting when i'm talking to an adult, but it hasn't worked- until now. samantha just this last sunday demonstrated the techniques that i've been trying to teach them these last few years.
plus they are looking to me more as someone who knows something. they come to me for advice and suggestions more now.
4) innocence and the attitude that comes with it- the kids took on a type of "know-it-all" attitude when they got into school. if presented with something new, they'd look at it askew for a bit, only to be won over after a few minutes of exposure. now they are less and less skeptical of new experiences and more innocent adventures.

one change i'm really happy for is not having to say "goodbye" to the kids everyday. that has been my favorite aspecct so far.

1 comment:

Momma said...

=) Really happy for you ALL (=

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