Tuesday, April 28, 2009

May Jay's DMC

she's so impatient waiting for her turn to lead a decade of the divine mercy chaplet. "my tuhn! my tuhn!"

i was trying to teach her the "eternal father" prayer that starts each decade. i kept prompting her. she thought she was supposed to respond the same thing over and over. it went like this...

me- "okay mary jane say 'eternal father'.

mj- "tuhna faddah."

me- "i offer you the body and blood..."

mj- "tuhna faddah."

me- "soul and divinity..."

mj- "tuhna faddah."

it went on like that for the rest of the prayer. the kids could barely keep their giggles suppressed.

1 comment:

Christina said...

most assuredly our God daughter! love it!!!

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