Tuesday, April 14, 2009

march of dimes, united way, and planned parenthood

i was shopping at publix and the cashier asked me, "would you like to donate a dollar to the march of dimes?"
"no, thank you."
but i really couldn't leave it at that. i kind of felt defensive. like the woman was looking at me thinking, "she should thank her lucky stars all her kids are born healthy."
so i felt called, whether by pride or social interest to say, "i will not give a dollar to march of dimes because they support planned parenthood."
the cashier went on to check the next person's groceries. but the bagger- he seemed curious.
"what?" he said.
"yes. march of dimes and united way support planned parenthood." i told him as he pushed my buggy out to my car (this is why i shop at publix- customer care at it's finest). "yes, they support planned parenthood- so it's kind of convenient in my mind. 'hey, we want to bring the number of deformed babies born way down- so let's pump planned parenthood full of money so they can talk these poor moms into an abortion.' i'm thinking they may have an agenda and i don't want to be part of it."
he told me that he gets part of his paycheck deducted to give to united way. he said he'd talk to his manager about changing that.
i said to do a search just to make sure before changing. what if united way has changed?
well i did a search for atlanta united way's grantees. here they are.
i thought it funny that they give to both the archdiocese of atlanta charities and planned parenthood of the state of georgia.


Sue said...

I too always feel compelled to explain why I will not support March of Dimes - on the surface it seems like such a good cause. But, I feel like if I'm pro-life, I have to be extremely careful about the organizations I support...I even asked our gym to stop supporting March of Dimes and pick another worthy organization. I brought in an article for the manager to read regarding how March of Dimes operates. Unfortunately, they don't seem interested in changing...yet!

Emily Snow said...

Hi Elizabeth, great blog, and congrats on your calling to homeschool. I am sure God will lead your homeschool journey with ease.
I completely agree...sharing the truth along the way is what God has asked of us. I am always telling people "why" I don't buy such and such or use ebay/paypal etc... You never know who will thank you for enlightening them with where their money goes. Not sure if you were there when Fr Kevin shared with your family the LDI Boycott list. I am about to place another order if you want me to mail you one. Long time friend of Fr Kevin.. he's Brett's Godfather. God Bless you.

elizabeth said...

hi emily,
i would love a boycott list. i feel like it's always changing. i remember in high school finding out hagen daaz gave to pp(not sure if they still do). that was upseting. i like to be up to date on that kind of stuff bc i'd hate to boycott someone who changed their ways. that's when i should be their patron to tell them they are doing a good thing.

Katherine T. Lauer said...

You are great to have shared your reasoning! I have always just declined, knowing I look wretched for refusing to give money to "help the poor little babies." Maybe I'll be more brave next time.

Emily Snow said...

I don't think HD is on the list any more, but I know Ben and J is n the list now. Kraft is now removed. Email me and I'll be in touch with you. About to send Fr K a package! He asked for Earl Grey Tea...
Please say a prayer for a miracle, found out yesterday our #9 baby has a heart defect (18 weeks) Dr doesn't think he'll make it either. Fr was coming to baptize this baby upon his return .

elizabeth said...

katherine, i wasn't brave honey, i was proud and vain. i spoke out because i felt everyone looking at me and judging me so i had to defend myself. my pride worked out something nice in this situation- not so in other situations.
and emily, i will be praying for yours. entrust the baby's heart to His Sacred Heart and her Immaculate Heart.
fr. kevin's bday is divine mercy sunday. and he sure does love earl grey.

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