Tuesday, April 7, 2009

get smart

i loved that show. i used to watch it on nickelodian when i babysat at those cable connected houses. i started thinking about the show just now after chris called to tell me he has YET ANOTHER INTERVIEW. who are these people? the FBI? the CIA? NSA?
i think his office may be run by someone who's neurotic about everyone's chi being balanced. i like you, you like me. i like the way your face doesn't offend me. i like the way you chew gum. i think i'll like working with you, even though i don't see you but once every two weeks when you poke your head in my door and ask to borrow the stapler.
he's going to meet the HR guy on thursday. maybe they'll be onto him.
"yep, it's as we were thinking. this guy has only one suit."
also, maybe he'll have time to buy a wedding ring that fits. he hasn't worn one for about 8 years. and yesterday before going to work and then the lunch meeting with the possible team he was trying to squeeze the old one on.
"does this look ridiculous?" he held up his hand and the ring had just barely passed his second knuckle- nowhere near the base of his hand.
"yes. why are you trying this?"
"three of the four people on my team are women. first impression, you know?"
he tried then to take it off and it was stuck. while we were trying to get it off i told him about how dad's ring had stayed on his whole married life.
"have you seen a pic of what dad looked like when he was married?"
yes, he's a thin naval officer- trim all in white. so, the ring has cut into his fingers as he's aged and put on some pounds- quite a few. well, when he went in for his heart surgery this past summer they took it off. i expected it to be in pieces, cut by a machine similar to a miniature jaws of life. but it was in one piece. i have NO idea how they got it off. but it was amazing. the COOL thing is that he wore his scapular around his head. a nurse came to take it away after he was under but another nurse that knew fr. joe or fr. kevin said, "leave that there. his sons are priests and i think that would be important to him."

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