Thursday, March 26, 2009

the unveiling

when i told the kids that we were, in fact, going to homeschool they were so jazzed.
max's immediate response, "who's going to get the most huskys at lunch time?" huskys being a reward for not yelling or throwing your food.
i wasn't sure what to tell the kids. i don't want them to get alot of flack from teachers but i don't want them to not be able to say goodbye. so i told them that monday was the startdate and that they should keep a lid on it. that way they can say goodbye to some close mates.

last night i couldn't get to sleep. i kept thinking about all the things i won't miss about school.
i won't miss...
-a 6am alarm.
-having the kids make lunch before eating breakfast.
-the kids
-having to be home at 3 for bus pickup.
-getting phone calls from the school.
-stories about what happened on the bus.
-george being bored.

i want to also say that i won't be posting much. just some real meaty stuff- heavy news you know? i just really want to spend time with the kids and not so much the computer. i probably will be on the computer some though...mostly just researching what curriculum to use. i think immediatly we will go with georgia virtual acadamy- just to finish the year. two reasons. it's free and it runs right along with the georgia school system. plus, it'll give me extra time to figure out what to do next year.

1 comment:

Christina said...

YEAH!!!!! congrats! continue fasting and praying for another change of heart... in a much larger arena ;)
yeah!!!! field trip to see aunt christina at work! hooo ray!

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