Monday, March 9, 2009

thankful for confession

i met outside church with two of my sisters. we caught up about things while the kids played in the field and climbed the trees. father jack came over to us and chatted for a bit before regina made an odd request.
"father, would you hear confession over webcam?"
shakes his head.
"wouldn't you hear it over the phone, especially if that person has no priest to hear his confession?"
shakes his head again. then it occurs to him that she is asking for our brother.
he is learning first hand how hard it is to be without a priest. he, however, doesn't get the total picture because he can celebrate mass. he just can't listen to himself confess and then absolve himself.
father jack went on to say that he's finding out what it's like to be catholic in camaroon, where priests come around about once every 4 weeks.
"and then everyone in the village is out to see him and go to mass- do you think you'll be able to go to confession often with that priest? not likely."
but he did comfort us with the fact that since father kevin has the intense desire to get his confession heard, God will hear that and pour the necessary graces into his soul until a time comes when father kevin can get his soul in the box.

and so- be thankful. we have a priest shortage in america- but it's not THAT bad. be thankful and...get to confession!


Anonymous said...

I'm coming up on 7 years since my Baptism and Confirmation. For a long time, I had a lot of trouble with confession, but have come to realize how much I need that grace in my life and how thankful I am for the gift of it. I am also very grateful for all the extra opportunities that Fr. Jack has given us to celebrate it, since it wasn't always like that at our parish. It's definitely something to be thankful for!

Sue said...

Sorry for Fr. K. - I thought since he mentioned another priest a couple of times on his blog that he had access...but, what Fr. Jack said made sense about the desire...Jesus knows what is in our hearts, and He never was one to be legalistic where someone's soul was at stake! Keeping up the prayers!

Sue said...

Jesus knows what is in our hearts, and He was never one to be legalistic in regards to someone's soul! Prayers and more prayers for Fr. Kevin...

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