Friday, March 13, 2009

international bible study

fr. kevin called on skype yesterday. i was cooking dinner so it was close to one in the morning for him- but hey, that's fr. kevin. since i had to be off checking on the meat browning on the stove, samantha sat down to talk. she showed him her new testament she got for her baptism. she's been toting it to school to read during breaks. ---on a side note she told me that a few days ago she asked God to guide her to a bible passage and she just flipped it open right to Jesus' 40 days in the desert and his temptation by the devil---
anyhow, fr. kevin taught her how to look up verses. then he started calling out his favorites. she had help with the first few. then she wanted no more help and did the rest on her own. i had to snap a picture of this techno enhanced bible study.

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